Bim1 Nouns

A noun is a word used to name a person, animal, place, thing, and abstract idea. They are different types of nouns: common, proper, concrete, abstract, compound, collective, etc.


Think of a place you would like to visit someday. On a piece of paper, make a list of things you would see, hear, taste, touch or smell at this place. The list need to contain all NOUNS. In small groups share your list while your classmates try to guess the place you would like to visit. 

The following video explains and provides examples of different kinds of nouns. Remember to take notes!!

Game: Elimination Noun
Object of the Game: To be the last student standing!!

Three sets of popsicle sticks.
Set no.1 Students name
Set no.2 Letters of the Alphabet
Set no. 3 Types of nouns

All students stand up, draw one stick from each set. Example: Megan, A, proper noun. Megan has to quickly give a proper noun that begins with letter A. 

Before you continue I recommend you to go over this noun review. You will be able to practice with fun and entertaining games.

Do you want to play basketball? Let's do it!

After all this games it's time for some formal practice! Please, complete the following exercises.

Ready for a quiz? Try it! 

Wisdom without application is worthless!!

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